Tutorials:Getting Started

From LANCommander
Revision as of 06:32, 9 August 2023 by DoctorDalek (talk | contribs)


The latest build of LANCommander can be found in the project's GitHub. Attached to the release will be two ZIP files for the main LANCommander server application and the Playnite extension.


The server ZIP file can be extracted anywhere on your computer. Please note that uploaded archive files will be put into a new "Upload" folder next to LANCommander.exe, so make sure to put LANCommander on a drive with enough free space.

To install the Playnite extension, you must first download and install Playnite. Once Playnite is installed, you may double-click the downloaded LANCommander .pext extension file. Playnite will then ask you to confirm that you want to install the extension.


Starting the server is as simple as running the LANCommander.exe executable. On first startup it will scaffold the LANCommander.db SQLite database and Settings.yml. From here all management is done through a web UI accessible on port 1337.

First Time Setup

Opening the LANCommander web UI for the first time (e.g. http://localhost:1337) will throw you into the First Time Setup. You will be asked to provide an admin username and password.

Adding Games

You're now ready to add your first game. It is recommended that you read the tutorial on adding games before continuing.


Once you've added your first game, you should now be able to connect to LANCommander using the Playnite extension. On start of Playnite the extension will ask you for your server URL, username, and password. If you are running Playnite on the same network as your LANCommander server, the server URL should be automatically discovered in the authentication window.

Playing a Game

After logging into the Playnite extension, you should now see your games populated into the Playnite library with relevant metadata. Assuming the game has been configured correctly, you should now be able to install and play the game directly through Playnite!